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"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 Peter 4:10

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Guild

There are many details to be taken care of that many of us do not see in order to prepare for all the Masses every week. It takes about 20 volunteers PER Mass to help celebrate the Mass. With five Masses that’s about 100 people every weekend... However, there are many more volunteers in the background who also help in preparing the Mass every week. One of those is our Altar Guild.
Have you ever wondered what happens to all the linens from Mass every week? We have a wonderful Altar Guild who maintains all linens used during all the Masses. They are responsible for changing altar cloths, washing and ironing altar linens, and cleaning priests’ robes. All the volunteers are scheduled as needed. We would love to have more people involved in this great ministry.


Contact Karen Gust, 770-885-7460 for more information

Altar Servers

Looking for an opportunity to serve your parish and our Lord? No need to look any further, the Holy Family Altar Servers are looking for young boys and girls to assist at our Masses. Our ministry has a group of dedicated individuals who are committed to excellence, reverence and teamwork. If you have made your First Communion, then you are eligible to join the fun as we try to also get together as a team for movie nights, ice hockey, and bowling just to name a few! Training class will take approximately one hour and your name will be added to the list upon completion of the course. We hope you strongly consider joining!

Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are practicing Catholic parishioners, who are approved by the pastor and appointed by the Archbishop of Atlanta for a three-year term, to assist the clergy in distributing Holy Communion at Masses. Extraordinary Ministers are trained and scheduled to serve at a Mass time of their preference.

Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information

Home Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Home Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who have received additional training and are scheduled to take Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to come to church to receive the Eucharist because they are confined to their home or a special care facility.

Contact Diana Reuter, 678-507-8985 or Sandy Herndon, 202-641-7500 for more information


Two lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord from the Old and New Testament Readings, before the Gospel at each Mass. The lectors are trained before being scheduled at the mass time of their choice. Lectors are expected to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled Mass.


Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information

AV Tech Team

Controls lights, the soundboard and projectors as required at Mass.

Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 Ext. 112 for more information

Children's Choir


 - 2nd grade or older

 - Your child has a passion for singing

 - Your child can make the meetings. The choir meets every Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Choir Room upstairs in the Education Building, Rm 204. Practice is only 45 minutes long!

Contact Louise Betsch for more information


Volunteer for one Mass of your choice to assist with seating, offertory, invite parishioners to present gifts, Communion, distribute bulletins and other needed functions.

Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 Ext. 112 for more information

Mass Greeters

Volunteer monthly for one Mass of your choice to greet all who attend, answer questions and ensure that all feel welcomed and special.

Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 Ext. 112 for more information. 

3401 Lower Roswell Road

Marietta, GA 30068

Tel:  770-973-0038

Holy Family Catholic Church Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

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