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Phase Five

(August 15, 2022)

From Archbishop Hartmayer (May 20, 2021):

The general dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass in the Archdiocese of Atlanta has ended. While the general dispensation will lift, I will put into place some exceptions for certain circumstances. They are outlined below. We are also making changes to our general guidelines and procedures. They are outlined after the exceptions.

While the general dispensation is removed, there are specific instances where the dispensation will still be applicable, as well as some circumstances in which there is no obligation in the first place. One does not have an obligation to attend Mass on Sunday in the following circumstances:

  1. You are ill or you have a health condition that would be significantly compromised if you were to contract a communicable illness (i.e., you have underlying conditions or are in a high-risk category). Please use the dispensation and do not attend Mass.

  2. You are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

  3. You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or you have reason to think you might be asymptomatic of a contagious illness.

  4. You care for the sick, homebound, or infirm.

  5. You are pregnant.

  6. You are 65 years of age or older (per the CDC’s recommendation of high-risk individuals).

  7. You cannot attend Mass through no fault of your own (e.g., no Mass is offered, you are infirm, your ride did not show up, the church was at capacity).

  8. You have significant fear or anxiety of becoming ill by being at Mass.

These categories will be reviewed in due course and revised as needed.

Persons legitimately dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass are still to observe the Lord’s Day by participating in a broadcast of the Sunday Mass or by spending time in prayer and meditating on Scripture, either individually or as a family.

From Holy Family:
Face masks are optional. Please be respectful of those who choose to wear their masks and social distance.

You are reminded to follow CDC recommendations regarding your own health. If necessary, please stay home and join us by Live Stream.


3401 Lower Roswell Road

Marietta, GA 30068

Tel:  770-973-0038

Holy Family Catholic Church Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

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