Service Ministries
Help with the Funeral Mass and/or funeral reception.
Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information.
Planting, pruning, weeding our church gardens on an as needed basis.
Contact Lynn Hamilton for more information.

Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry seeking to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent shelter for families. Holy Family combines its efforts with other Catholic churches in Cobb County to increase our effectiveness in this ministry. Donations are combined with volunteer labor to build simple decent houses. These houses are sold to worthy families at no profit and are financed by Habitat at no interest. Our building schedule typically starts after Labor Day weekend. Your financial support will be appreciated year round. Please see the Holy Family Habitat for Humanity website for more information.
Contact Jim Nee , 770-337-9608 or Nora Wintrow, 770-283-9945 for more information.

The Knights of Holy Family Council 9792 are a Catholic, family, fraternal service organization dedicated to the principles of the order: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Community involvement is evident in the Knights support of Citizens with Disabilities, the Tommy Nobis Center, Kennesaw State Scholarship and seminarians studying for the priesthood. Parish involvement includes Sunday breakfasts, Casino nights and our annual parish Fall Festival, for which we have won state recognition. Special functions for members include a Christmas Dinner and Spouse Appreciation Dinner.
Perhaps a more fitting description of Knights' activities within our parish is "and anything else that needs to be done," always with fun and friendship entwined. Business meetings are held the first and third Mondays of each month and a social meeting the fifth Monday of the month. All men of our parish who are over 18 years of age and are practicing Catholics are welcome to become involved as their schedule permits.
Contact Ariel Medrano for more information.
For information on the national web site please click on the following links.
Our Pro-life Group works directly with the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office to protect the Right to Life of all, from conception to natural death. Our group sponsors prayer vigils outside abortion facilities, organizes local and National Novenas for Life, distributes educational materials and conducts letter writing campaigns. All parishioners are invited to join us in praying the rosary.
Contact Peter Badolato, 404-217-1147 for more information.
Transforming our Church for feast days, holidays, and other celebrations throughout the liturgical year.
Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information.

St. Vincent de Paul
Our mission is to deepen members spiritual relationships with God and from this love received go out to serve neighbors in need. We do this through person to person visits with people who call the Church in times of trouble. We offer information, community resources, listening with compassion, encouragement. We give practical, material and monetary assistance when no other resource is available.
Meetings are the first Sunday each month at 11:45am in Room 115 near the Parish Center. Volunteers may also join to help on occasion, to pack and or deliver food, home furnishings, data entry, or to go along on a home visit with a member. All money and items donated goes for direct aid to the people we serve. Are you over 18 and have a desire to help someone else to make a difference in their life? Can you free up a couple hours a week, a few hours a month? Join - it will change your life too.
Our food pantry is another area that parishioners can show their support of this ministry. Please consider donating any of the following canned foods: meats and stews, fish, vegetables and beans, fruit, juice, applesauce, spaghetti products, meat sauces, all tomato products, salsa, peanut butter, jelly, all condiments, etc. There is a box in the Narthex where these items can be placed for donation.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please visit our website and complete a Financial Assistance Request Form www.svdpga.org/help
Contact Mark Meredith at 770-973-7400 for more information.
A service through the Knights of Malta. They facilitate an outreach ministry between those who are imprisoned and participants on the outside via a safe and anonymous correspondence. Participants commit to one letter a month for a 12-month period. It helps fulfill the Corporal works of mercy, specifically visiting the prisoner.
Contact Michael McNamara for more information.
Provide receptions for parish celebrations and important events such as First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA, Hospitality Sundays, and other celebrations at the parish.
Contact Anyce Craig, 770-973-0038 ext 112 for more information.