Vacation Bible School - Join in the fun!
Welcome to VBS Egypt!
Join Joseph on his journey from prison to palace. The Bible will come to life right before your eyes!
At Egypt, everyone gets to explore first-hand the culture of Joseph’s world.
Alongside Joseph, they’ll experience the heartbreaking trials, joyous victories,
and tear-filled celebrations of this unique Bible hero.
Participants will enjoy traditional Bible-times Egyptian customs, occupations,
food and games! Each day is a new part of the adventure!
Monday, June 16th through Friday, June 20th, 2025!
9:00am until Noon.
5 Days of fun!
Participants sign up form:
Volunteers sign up form:
Open for participants ages 4 years old through 7th graders.
Children must be potty trained.
8th Graders to Adults are invited to volunteer by sharing quality time with younger children.
You can play a character and help kids immerse in the fun! Each day is a new part of the adventure.
See all the ways you can volunteer on the form link. Volunteer for all day or just 1 day.
Look for meeting emails to go over your role as we get closer.
Contact Amy Drick with questions adrick@holyfamilycc.org or 770-973-0038 x 121
Para preguntas en Español: María González 770-973-0038 ext 110 o mgonzalez@holyfamilycc.org
o Para hablar con alguien en Español con preguntas: Cecilia Flores cflores@holyfamilycc.org ; 404-735-5764